Mohammad Nour Alsamsam

Started on April, 2021
Supervision: Dr. Marijonas Tutkus

About Nour

Mohammad Nour Alsamsam joined our team during his bachelor studies, obtained BSc. degree in Physics (VU). Currently Nour is a 2nd-year photonics and nanotechnology MSc student and holds a cum laude light engineering bachelor’s degree from VU. He also has experience in software development, mechatronics engineering, and prototyping. He offers the skills required for adjusting and maintaining the existing microscopy optical setup to support different imaging modularities. His contribution so far includes prototyping the miEye SMLM microscope and providing the Python microEye package for hardware control, data acquisition, analysis, and visualization. On 2023 spring Nour obtained his physics Masters degre, and recently started with his PhD studies.

Research themes

Publications with our group