Aurimas Kopūstas

Started on December, 2017
Supervision: Dr. Mindaugas Zaremba and Dr. Marijonas Tutkus

About Aurimas

Aurimas joined our team during his bachelor studies, obtained BSc. degree in Biochemistry (VU) and MSc. degree in Biochemistry (VU). Aurimas Kopūstas currently is a 2nd-year Biochemistry PhD student at VU. Since 2017 AK gained vast experience by developing assays for DNA-protein interaction studies and employing SM fluorescence microscopy. Currently he is focusing on in vivo and in vitro SM level studies of different bacteria antiviral defense systems. AK possesses an interdisciplinary and versatile skill set: SM fluorescence microscopy, sample preparation, genetic engineering and biochemical characterization of NA-binding proteins.

Research themes

Publications with our group